Tuesday 17 January 2012

Front Page And Contents Page Feedback

Due to my own lack of organisation I do not have any drafts done at this exact moment. From this point onwards i have to put 200% work rate into this project or i will fall further behind and fail the project miserably. My front cover picture is one of my horrorcore hip-hop artist Krazy Karl. He wears a grey hood stained with the "blood" of his victims and wears a scream mask also covered in "blood". In the picture he will be facing the camera. The scream mask has cut outs around the eyes but the rest of his face is concealed. This has the same effect as the shades but to a creepier effect. Also in the picture he is holding a small childs head by his hair with "blood" covered around the neck and face. In the artists other hand there is a large knife with "blood" stains. By doing this the picture gives an illusion of a decapitated head.

The front cover itself will have the title Crunk but the font used for the title will have a blood dripping effect. The background for the cover will be dark with little or no lighting. The coverlines around the picture will be in red or grey so there is not too much conflict happening with the background colour. The coverlines will include "Has Horrorcore been lurking in the dark?", "The Story Of Krazy Karl", "Drakes backlash", "Scream for the Sales", "Top 10 Hip-Hop artists of 2011" and "Eminem's Envy?"

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